Sunday, November 22, 2009

Flaking Out

Right now I am irritated at many things. Why is it that people promise things and then completely, conveniently forget that they made you a promise. Let's say, for example, money. You stick yourself out on a limb, charge something for people, say something that a group of you do. You are being nice, saying oh, take a few months to pay me back. But really? Who are you really hurting? Yourself, definitely. Maybe it's me, maybe I'm a dinosaur because my word is my bond. Ok, I'm confessing now. I put a charge of close to $400.00 on a credit card where 3 people needed to pay me back. So now, one person conveniently forgot to pay me back. This after sending an email saying, "Oh, I haven't forgot about you, I'm going to pay you half on such and such a date and then the other half here." So, I got half. and then about 2 weeks past the other half due date, I emailed the person reminding them. And I got the typical, "Oh, I'm so sorry, I never forget these things but I forgot. Do you need it sooner?" So, I see the person on the promised date and then they sneak out without ever offering. Wow, I don't think the credit card forgot to charge me interest on this amount. How I feel like a dog chasing down it's prey. Just frickin pay me already......and oh, by the way....never again.

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