Thursday, November 12, 2009

Love and Misses

I've been thinking a lot lately about people I miss. You know who you are!! But seriously, people I barely remember because they were gone too soon, or those that you wish you had a second chance to tell them how much you love them. I love to be in people's lives and wish the best for them. I think that I've become more collaborative than competitive. And I just want to see people do good and have good things in their life. I want to cheer them on and say, "Great Job." I want to be able to not feel like a dork when I get emotional. I really miss certain people, like my nieces and nephews. Being in a different state and not watching them grow up has a much larger cost than I ever anticipated. So, I'm going to cheer them on and say that YOU CAN do better than we, the older generation, have done. So, GO FOR YOUR DREAMS and don't let ANYONE tell you that you can't achieve it. They only tell you that because they didn't achieve theirs. You can do it: Erin, Steve, Brandon, Chelley, Stephanie and Bethany. Push through all the negatives and know that you are more than capable to be a success. And oh, by the way, I love all of you and look forward to being wowed by all of your accomplishments.

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